Incredible! Thank you for being willing to share your journey/experience with us, Audrey. This stretches me and my understanding and it causes me to be so hopeful! I am so grateful to know that God is so far outside the tiny little controlled, managed boxes we have had him in (or think we have). This sounds like a rebirth. And it sounds like your experience was with a more tender, nurturing mother God than I've been taught my whole life. My own newer experience of God has often been with this mothering God which is bringing so much healing! May your journey continue in beautiful, healing ways, Audrey. Thank you again for your honest offering.

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Well this is very interesting to me. I’ve been growing and changing a lot thru the last 6 years. I was raised in a very conservative church. But the journey I’m on now is mostly a result of an eye opening time concerning my mom and the affects of that. She (due to her own trauma) hurt me deeply. She is very “religious” . As a result, I was sent into my own spiritual uncertainty. It’s not been easy. I actually don’t like it, but it’s happening and I dont want to pretend it’s not. It helps to know I’m not alone. Thank you for sharing. This means alot to me right now.

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This whole article is truly beautiful and the part about the 139th psalm was so moving it made me cry. The part that you shared here from this psalm has always been one of my favorites because of the voice of acceptance and compassion that comes through. It does not surprise me that would be the psalm that would appear in your vision. I have continued to witness that compassion and acceptance in your music throughout all of your evolutions which is why your music has been so helpful in my own evolution. Thank you for sharing and looking forward to more!

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It's interesting that you interpreted the vision of Jesus offering you the mushroom to eat as a kind of "Eve and the serpent" exchange. My mind went instead to Ezekiel 3 and Revelation 10. What do you think?

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This is so interesting. I’ve never read of an experience with mushrooms before, except in the fictional book “Nine Perfect Strangers”. I am concerned that Jesus would appear and speak the words the Serpent spoke in the garden. That Serpent was/is crafty and can masquerade as anything/anyone it wants to. I find it disturbing that the end result of your mushroom experience seems to be what the Serpent has been tempting humans with from the beginning- to be one’s own god. I understand that it must be intriguing to embrace the philosophy of the Universal Christ when the Biblical Christ seems to be silent. I’ve also struggled with OCD. It manifested itself after the birth of my first child in 2000. I was diagnosed with Postpartum OCD and went through two hellish years while doctors tried to figure out how to help me. I remember coming to a place when I knew I had to choose belief or unbelief. I chose belief because unbelief was too frightening. Once I made the choice, my suffering began to make sense- I was experiencing the worst so that God could root out some things (predominantly pride) that were keeping me from being who I was created to be (and we all were created to be) prior to the Fall. Once I grasped this, and finally emerged from such a dark place, my response was awe and joy, that God would use something so dreadful to make me more able to reflect His love to the world around me. I often wonder about suffering. It must have a purpose. As humans, we cannot possibly comprehend what that might be. Could it really be to make us more like Christ? I know the Serpent doesn’t want that. I also think of Paul’s thorn that he begged for God to take away. God didn’t take it away because He said that His grace would be sufficient, and His power made evident in Paul’s weakness. It seems that people especially gifted by God to do His work really face hardship (I’m thinking of many missionaries across Time, for instance). God allows the Serpent to hit them hard (Job). Your angelic voice and inspired lyrics were surely a threat to that Serpent. Could it be that he’s making things “better” because in the desperation caused by your suffering, you’ve chosen that Original Lie (to be god), and now you are no longer a threat to him because you are no longer an ambassador for the Biblical Christ? Please come back, Audrey.

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I love this. Thank you for writing it. I know it’s hard to find the words, let alone the bravery to post them.

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You’re such a beautiful soul and so talented with language. Thank you for sharing, sending love.

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Psalm 139 is my favorite prayer 🙏🏼 🥰.

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