I accidentally stumbled onto some of your newer music recently, and then immediately searched the internet to see what you might have shared publically about your journey (not so secretly hoping to see my own experience of leaving Christianity reflected). Thank you for sharing everything that you have, your process so deeply resonates with my own, and there's something special about connecting with someone's music at two completely different points in life and finding it resonant. I found myself dancing spontaneously to several of your LEVV songs the other day, purely out of an overflow of appreciating my body and the messy goodness of life. Wanted you to know I'm out here grooving, please keep it coming 🤍

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Recently I was in a place where I despised Christianity because of what I felt was an attitude of self victimization which I felt was pervasive among Christians including myself. I decided to be more active and go get the things I wanted instead of simply praying and waiting. But I was also drifting away from God... Nonetheless God still drew me back; I became aware of the fact that no matter how much I take control of my life there is one thing that I couldn't take care of, and that is the guilt of sin. I hope that you can find that middle ground between faith and action Audrey as I'm also trying to, because they both go hand in hand. All best.

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My heart breaks that you don’t see Jesus as your Savior. The HOPE He promises is that He will be with us in Spirit on Earth. And IF we LOVE Him and KNOW Him, then He will tell the Father God that He knows us. My Hope is in Jesus.

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Hey Audrey there's so much I want to write to you but I can't right now...........................God loves you so much. You never heard the full gospel that's why it never set you free. Same thing happened to me, I was a Christian but I was never set free until God revealed to me what I was missing in my faith walk. I relate a lot to you and I wish the Lord would grant me the opportunity to speak to you. Your music was anointed by God and His eyes are still on you. The Lord made me feel a measure of His heartbreak and grief for you.....

I am trusting that He will get you to read this. My email is edenserah745@gmail.com

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One religion merely replaced with another. The problem was that you didn’t recognize your divine spark, so you were lost in darkness. The solution is to trust in yourself and the assistance you can provide. And how do you get there? You work…you scream, you walk, you talk, you wrestle. You may have rejected Christianity, but you certainly haven’t rejected religion. And that’s because you inherently know that you DO need someone to care for you. But, sadly, you’ve clung to misplaced hope. You will never be the cure for you.

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I like the suggestions for feeling stuck or anxious. Often on my days off from a physically moving job (retail in frozen foods section), I just want to relax by watching tv. No walks outside bc I’ve already walked enough during my work day. When I feel frustrated at work, I like to yell in the freezer w/ the door closed so no one can hear me 😂

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I love your reflections and I’m so glad that you found some freedom from part of your struggles. Many parts of your story I share, and I love how you spoke about God not being the carrot, but already there inside your heart.

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I’m sorry to see you appear to have walked away from the source of help and healing.

I hope you find your way back.

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Great article!

Just what I needed to hear.

I'm taking a walk.

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I have bipolar disorders with pure o ocd. I stopped taking antidepressants because they make me feel nothing. Now I pray and I am lunar and solar opposite and polar. I am you and you are me. I'm glad that I find out! 🙃

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I’ve felt for years and years that we were made of the same stuff, and here it is again, right down to the ADHD, OCD, and CPTSD. I’m in a similar place - for me, I’m trying to balance “you’re not actually this irreparably broken thing you have thought you were your whole life” and “it’s okay to not be okay.” And I think for me, God is still there (helping me find helpful posts like this, for one) but there is something so valuable about also recognizing that I’m not as helpless and stuck as I sometimes feel. And thanks for the reminder that movement is sometimes a great way to access…well…movement, haha. Getting unstuck IS sometimes as simple as just getting up and unsticking. It’s not easy, but it is simple!

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HAWT yes queen

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i am not like that myself but i know where youre comming from .

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