I had the joy and pleasure of interviewing Gungor about their new album (which is out today) -- the new songs, which you'll hear some of in this interview, are stunning and thoughtful. If you've been searching for some spiritual but not religious music to dance, pray, meditate, cry, laugh to…look no further. Hope you enjoy our conversation. I truly did!

The Violet Fields Podcast
I ask all my guests (one per month minimum) seven questions about consciousness and creativity. I aim for conversations that will be rich and revealing. My first guest is Dr. Peter Enns, and this episode is free for anyone to check out so you can decide if you'd like to subscribe and hear the rest!
I ask all my guests (one per month minimum) seven questions about consciousness and creativity. I aim for conversations that will be rich and revealing. My first guest is Dr. Peter Enns, and this episode is free for anyone to check out so you can decide if you'd like to subscribe and hear the rest!Listen on
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